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Sumamos +

por la Conservación de la Naturaleza

“Together We’re more for nature conservation”

We are an alliance of passionate organizations—Unidos Por Animales, Hoja Nueva, and other key partners—united in our mission to protect and preserve Peru’s wildlife. Together, we’re working to provide critical support to struggling zoos and sanctuaries across the country.

Why This Cause Matters

Peru is facing an escalating crisis in wildlife trafficking and the illicit pet trade. While rescue centers across the country are making heroic efforts to rehabilitate and release animals back into the wild, some animals cannot be returned to their natural habitats. For these animals, ethical, well-managed zoos can offer a safe and permanent sanctuary. However, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has left many of these institutions on the brink of closure.

Our mission also includes advocating for the closure of unethical zoos that exploit wildlife and support illegal trafficking. With “Sumamos Más,” we are committed to helping those sanctuaries and zoos that uphold high ethical standards and provide exemplary care, as they are vital to our long-term strategy in combating wildlife trafficking and fostering conservation.

Our Plan to Make a Difference

This is where The Sumamos Project comes in. By uniting our efforts, we aim to deliver urgent medical care, implement preventative health protocols, and establish effective rehabilitation and management strategies for zoos and sanctuaries in need. Our approach includes:

  • Veterinary Support: Providing essential medical care and supplies to treat animals in dire need.
  • Assessment and Rehabilitation: Evaluating animals to determine the best course of action, whether translocation to specialized centers or reintegration into the wild.
  • Capacity Building: Training local staff to enhance the long-term sustainability of zoos and sanctuaries.

Our pilot mission at the first zoo was a resounding success, proving the effectiveness of our approach. Now, we need your help to expand this initiative, reaching thousands of animals and supporting the dedicated caregivers who work tirelessly on their behalf.

How Your Donations Will Help

Your generous contributions will be directly used to:

  • Purchase Veterinary Supplies and Medicines: These are crucial for the immediate care and treatment of rescued animals.
  • Support Our Team: Cover the costs of food, lodging, and transportation for our team of 6-8 experts, who will visit each zoo or sanctuary for several days to provide hands-on support and training.

Without these resources, we cannot continue our mission or reach the many animals in need across Peru.

Get Involved

Your support can give these animals a second chance at life. At this very moment, countless reptiles, raptors, and felines are waiting for the rehabilitation they need to be released back into their natural habitats. Your donation can make this possible.

Donate now and become a vital part of this life-saving mission. Together, we can create a brighter future for Peru’s wildlife, both in captivity and in the wild.

Contact Us

For more information please reach out to us at info[at]

Thank you for your support!

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