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Onesimo Jumanga

Operations Technician

Brief info

Onesimo, from the local river community of Puerto Lucerna, brings a wealth of experience in both technical and hands-on roles to Hoja Nueva. Originally from Junín, he is a certified technician in computing and information solutions and is currently pursuing a degree in education at the San Marcelo Higher Pedagogical Institute. His professional background includes IT support, network management, software development, and multimedia production. Additionally, Onesimo served in the Peruvian Special Forces, where he gained valuable skills in problem-solving and teamwork. At Hoja Nueva, Onesimo plays a key role in maintaining both the rescue and research centers. His responsibilities include building and repairing enclosures, preparing food, and creating enrichment activities for animals undergoing rehabilitation and rewilding. His technical skills and military training make him a critical asset to the daily operations, where he ensures that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Outside of work, Onesimo enjoys playing volleyball and practicing his English!

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