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Meriem Flih

Wildlife Veterinarian

Brief info

Meriem Flih, DVM, RCVS, is a seasoned wildlife and exotic animal veterinarian. She graduated with distinction from Liège Veterinary University in 2014 and has since built a career dedicated to animal welfare and conservation. Meriem has extensive experience in small animal medicine, having worked as an emergency vet in various clinics across France. She also deepened her commitment to wildlife care at the LPO Wildlife Rescue Center in Audenge, France, treating a diverse range of species including birds of prey and small mammals. From July 2018 to October 2019, Meriem embarked on a 15-month volunteer expedition across ten countries, significantly contributing to wildlife care and broadening her professional horizon. Following this, she founded SANA - The Wildlife Network in April 2021, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting wildlife rescue centers and sanctuaries globally. Previously, Meriem served as the head veterinarian at the Wildlife Aid Foundation in the United Kingdom. Currently, she brings her expertise to Hoja Nueva, focusing on the rehabilitation of wildlife for eventual release back into their natural habitats. This role aligns with her passion for advancing wildlife rehabilitation over traditional sanctuary or zoo-based care. Flih’s collaborative and adventurous spirit continues to drive her efforts in making a meaningful impact on wildlife conservation.

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