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Inés Nole

Advisor - Wildlife Regente

Brief info

Inés Nole Bazán is a medical veterinarian trained at the Universidad Nacional de San Marcos in Lima. She also has a master's in biodiversity from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain. She began working with wildlife in university, where she spent 8 years studying wild mammals and birds. After graduating, she became the medical veterinarian responsible for caring for wildlife rescued by Animal Defenders International (ADI), an organization which she is still a consultant for. She is also a 'regente de fauna silvestre' and wildlife specialist, certified by SERFOR (the Peruvian forestry service: LIC-RE-2016-013). She is an external member of the ethics community of the medical veterinary faculty at the Universidad Nacional de San Marcos in Lima and am currently training with the Humane Animal Care organization to become a Certified Humane auditor in order to create better standards for animal welfare in Peru. Inés serves as the regente of Hoja Nueva's Khan ReWilding Center, overseeing our yearly management plans, rehabilitation programs, and each individual animal's permit for release.

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